Probability Theorems¶
This section discusses two key theorems:
The theorem of total probability, and
Bayes theorem
The theorem of total probability involves the concept of a partition of a sample space. So we begin by defining a partition.
The events \(B_{1},B_{2},...B_{n}\) partition the sample space \(\Omega\) if
\(P(B_{i}) > 0\) for all \(i\) (all events in the partition have non-zero probability of occurring)
\(\bigcup^{n}_{i=1} B_{i} = \Omega\) (i.e. the union of the events = the sample space)
\(B_{i} \cap B_{j} = \emptyset\) (empty) for all \(i \neq j\), . i.e. \(B_{i}\) and \(B_{j}\) are disjoint
That is, the events \(B_{1},...,B_{n}\) partition the sample space if
all events are possible
at least one event must occur, but
no two events can occur simultaneously
Some examples of partitions of sample spaces are:
Blood groups A, B, AB and O partition the sample space of blood groups.
Dead and alive partition the sample space of vital statuses.
Theorem of total probability¶
Sometimes we wish to know the probability of a particular event \(A\), but we only have data regarding the probability of the event conditional on some other event. The theorem of total probability allows us to express the probability of an event \(A\) occurring in terms of other events which partition the sample space.
Let \(A\) be some event, and let \(B_1, ..., B_n\) be a partition of the sample space
Then the theorem of total probability says that
or equivalently
That is, the total probability of \(A\) can be calculated if the conditional probability of \(A\) given \(B_j\) and \(P(B_j)\) are known, for all \(j\).
Bayes theorem¶
In the theorem of total probability, \(P(A)\) is calculated using the knowledge of the conditional probabilities of \(A\) given \(B\), \(P(A|B)\). In many situations we would like to make statements about the probability of \(B\) knowing or conditional on \(A\), i.e. we would like to reverse the conditioning. Bayes’ Theorem provides a useful and very powerful theorem to do this.
From the definition of conditional probability we can express \(P(A \cap B_{j})\) in two different ways
Equating the two, we therefore have
From the theorem of total probability (above) we know that
And so we can write
This is Bayes’ Theorem.